Nelle Miller

Managing Director, Co-Head of New York, J.P. Morgan Private Bank

If you don’t have a diverse workforce, you’re not facing off against a diverse client base. Besides that, I believe that it becomes dangerous when a homogenous group keeps using only themselves for ideas. Eventually, they create an echo chamber.

What do you feel makes a Power Woman?

A Power Woman is a female that is going to bring along everyone on their journey. I believe that the quality that makes someone rise to the top, is that they are not doing it all on their own. They appreciate the fact that there are people around them that need to be brought on their journey and be granted the success and opportunities that they deserve.

What benefits/advantages does a company with positive gender equality have over a male dominated workplace?

From a business perspective, it is clear that everybody is different. If you don’t have a diverse workforce, you’re not facing off against a diverse client base. Besides that, I believe that it becomes dangerous when a homogenous group keeps using only themselves for ideas. Eventually, they create an echo chamber.

Is there a particular issue in your life that you are passionate about, that overrides what you are actually looking to achieve?

My children override all objectivity. Motherhood is my main priority.

What can we do to continue to support and enhance the presence of women in high profile positions?

I believe it is imperative for firms to take action that supports women during their years of motherhood. They need to recognize the challenges that being a working mother presents, and agree to take these women further in their career journey, at the pace that they need. Women should not feel the need to choose between motherhood and their career. It is the firm’s responsibility to ensure this is that mothers can continue their work journey as they simultaneously build their home.

Do you feel that the United States should take a step back from its role on today’s world stage?

We should absolutely not reduce our role. The United States is the beacon of hope. We are the clear leader and always will be.

Do you feel that there is a defining moment or experience in your life that led you to where you are today?

There was a moment ten years ago where I had just had my first child, and I was happy with my role at work. I had multiple people in my life encouraging me to take the next big step in my career. I finally decided to take the plunge. I had asked the head of HR to ensure I would still have my old position if this didn’t work out. They told me I would not need it. It was a pretty defining moment for me in life, going from four months of maternity leave, straight into managing 50 people for the first time. It was a very positive experience of people pushing me to achieve great things.

Do you believe that education should be a top priority for our society?

Yes, I believe that education is the single most important thing you can do for yourself. Whether you are a child or an adult, educating yourself is tremendously important.

If you could have anyone’s job for a day, who would it be?

I would want to be a director in Hollywood. I would love to be on a movie set for a day, doing behind the scenes work.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Move on. Keep two feet in front of you and keep walking.

What book are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading Kennedy Woman by Laurence Leamer, as well as The Palace Chambers by Tina Brown.

What do you value most in your friendships?


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